Personalized workouts during pregnancy

 En Personal trainer

Is it recommended for my health to carry out physical activities during pregnancy? It is a very frequent question, the performance of well-directed exercises have positive psychological and physiological effects for the pregnant woman and the fetus.

It is important to do personalized workouts because it improves weight levels, corrects personal posture, reduces the risk of injury and ultimately helps maintain shape. One of the most complete exercises for pregnant women is pilates because it exercises the pelvic floor area.

The benefits of training during this phase:

  • Relieves discomfort , the body changes throughout pregnancy, supporting this weight can cause back problems, sports help condition the body to changes.
  • Preparation for childbirth, strengthens the muscles and pelvic joints , generating greater elasticity, so that our body prepares for the moment of giving birth.
  • It improves cardiorespiratory performance , sports keep the heart in full swing, always controlling it so that the limit is not exceeded.
  • During exercise endorphins are released, so you will feel more relaxed , as your body prepares for delivery.
  • Fat is eliminated, you will burn the calories you do not need , avoiding gaining weight in an exaggerated way.
  • It reduces levels of anxiety, stress and improves the quality of sleep, which is very important at this stage.

So, if you need personalized training for your pregnancy in Benalmádena and the surrounding municipalities, do not hesitate to ask for information.

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