Personal trainer with exercises for pregnant women

 En Personal trainer

During pregnancy, there are many women who wonder whether physical exercise is good or not. While it is true that there are some exercises that cannot be done because they are more dangerous, there are others that are very beneficial both physically and psychologically for pregnant women.

These special exercises should be done together with a specialist , such as a personal trainer, so that they are done correctly and there is no danger. Our personal trainer María José Escudero offers these services for pregnant women that you can do in your own home, in a qualified space, in a gym or outdoors. Depending on the level you start with, each exercise will be adapted to evolve during pregnancy and then continue to maintain and improve results.


You perform exercises with personal trainer during pregnancy is very important for several aspects: keeping the weight and shape, correct posture to prevent back pain and reduces the risk of injury. Among all the exercises you can do with our personal trainer, Pilates is one of the most recommended because it strengthens the pelvic floor.

The benefits of doing a tailored exercise when you are pregnant are:

  • Eliminate the discomfort caused by the weight gain you have to bear
  • You prepare for childbirth by strengthening your muscles and pelvic joints
  • Improve your cardiorespiratory performance because it makes the heart perform better
  • Helps you relax by releasing endorphins while you train, as well as reducing anxiety, stress, and improving sleep quality
  • You will not gain much weight by constantly eliminating excess calories


Do not hesitate and start your exercises with our personal trainer. The stage of pregnancy is very important, and in which your body and mind can undergo many changes. Avoid them and stay in good shape with workouts tailored to your level at your own home, in a gym or outdoors.

If you want to know more information about the benefits of personal trainers for pregnant women, contact us.

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