Hypopressive exercises in the postpartum in Benalmádena

 En Personal trainer

Having a baby is a moment in a woman’s life where many changes arise : routines, tasks, responsibilities … But one of the biggest is without a doubt the physical one.

After delivery, women can gain weight and have a bulging abdomen . The skin has been stretched a lot during the months of pregnancy, and it is important to exercise correctly to regain the figure you had before.

Some of the exercises that bring more benefits for women who have just had a baby are postpartum hypopressives. To be able to do them correctly, the personal trainer María José Escudero will accompany you in Benalmádena adapting the sessions to your level and your goals, until you achieve them all.

To start with these hypopressive exercises, it is recommended to wait three months after delivery because it is the time when the uterus returns to the size it was before giving birth.


The hipopresivos postpartum exercises are done to achieve several goals: get a flat stomach, abdominal diastasis close and have a more toned belly. With this training from our personal trainer in Benalmádena you can exercise both the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor in one go.

After having a child, it is more difficult for your muscles to return to their natural state without help. In addition, diastasis decreases the functionality of the abdominal wall, which can lead to pain in the lumbar or lumbo-pelvic instability. To avoid all this, there is nothing better than hypopressive exercises.


Some of the most important benefits of the hypopressive technique in the postpartum are the following:

  • Recover the flat appearance of your abdomen, reducing its perimeter in a few sessions with the personal trainer
  • Decrease urinary incontinence problems
  • Helps with the recovery and toning of your muscles in the postpartum
  • Reduces the chances of postpartum depression
  • Eliminate back pain

If you have just had a baby and want to feel yourself again, while eliminating your back and muscle paincontact María José Escudero and start your postpartum hypopressive sessions in Benalmádena.

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Entrenamiento de tonificación en TorremolinosEjercicios hipopresivos en Benalmádena
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