Personal Trainer in Torremolinos
María José Escudero
Personal Trainer in Torremolinos who can also train small groups. She will help you to achieve all your nutrition, health and fitness goals.
She offers several different types of training, adapted to your level. The biggest advantage is that you can enjoy training wherever you prefer: at home, in a park, in a gym, etc.
What are you waiting for to start meeting your goals?
Trainings and Services
Training to lose percentage of fat and volume
Get to shape your body and muscles with strength training
We prevent overweight and train the pelvic floor
Improve your posture with exercises during work, when you walk and when you sleep

Access videos of training and nutritional coaching online
Control food cravings
Prevention of weight change and the appearance of fat in the abdomen
Train with your partner or friends
Eliminate the back pain that hurts you every day
About me
María José Escudero
I am a specialist in Fitness and Pilates, and have helped Torremolinos‘ clients for over 20 years to achieve all their goals through my training and nutritional coaching.

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Start getting in shape, correcting your posture and improving your health with our personal trainer in Torremolinos.